Our mission: "To know Christ and make Him known."

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Sunday Morning Services-2008
Sunday Morning Services-2009
Sunday Morning Services-2010

Sunday Morning Services-2011


     Christ Our King 11/20/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 25:31-46
     Readings: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24, Ephesians 1:15-23
     ZionServiceSun112011.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading) 


     Earthly Representation of Christ and the Church 10/09/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Ephesians 5:20-33
     Readings: Genesis 2:18-25 & 1 Cor. 12:31-13:13
     ZionServiceSun100911.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading) 


     Who Does the Will of God 9/25/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 21:23-32
     Readings: Psalm 25:1-9, Philippians 2:1-13
     ZionServiceSun092511.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading) 


     Bring Them Here To Me 7/31/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 14:13-21
     Readings: Isaiah 55:1-5, Romans 9:1-5
     ZionServiceSun073111.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Pre-convention service-Pastor Gerry Southerton 7/13/11
     ConventionServiceWed071311.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Pre-Convention service-Pastor Earl Kaurala 7/13/11
     ConventionServiceWed071311EK.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)


     Baptize in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit 6/19/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 28:16-20
     Readings: Psalm 8, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13
     ZionServiceSun061911.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)


     Jesus Has Taken Up His Life Again 5/15/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: John 10:1-18
     Readings: Acts 2:42-47, 1 Peter 2:19-25
     ZionServiceSun051511.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)



     Peace Be With You 4/24/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: John 20:1-20
     Readings: Jeremiah 31:1-6, Romans 6:3-11
     ZionServiceSun042411.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)


     Justification and Life For All 3/13/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Romans 5:6-21
     Readings: Psalm 32, Matthew 4:1-11
     ZionServiceSun031311.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     They Only Saw Jesus 3/06/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 17:1-9
     Readings: Psalm 2, 2 Peter 1:16-21
     ZionServiceSun030611.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)


     Light & Salt 2/6/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 5:13-20
     Readings: Psalm 112:1-9, 1  Corinthians 2:1-12
     ZionServiceSun020611.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)


     Follow Me 1/23/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 4:12-23
     Readings: Isaiah 49:1-7, 1 Corinthians 1:10-18
     ZionServiceSun012311.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Baptized As One of Us 1/9/11
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Mark 1:1-11
     Readings: IIsaiah 41:1-9, Acts 10:34-43
     ZionServiceSun010911.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Born of God 1/2/11
     Pastor Earl Kaurala
     Sermon Text: John 1:1-18
     Readings: Jeremiah 31:7-14, Ephesians 1:3-14
     ZionServiceSun010211.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

Word of Life Sermon Intro.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

Contact Us
Zion Lutheran Church
Rev. Gerald (Gerry) Southerton, Pastor
400 Ingot Street
Hancock, MI 49930

email: zionsec@pasty.net
Phone: 906-482-1945
Fax: 906-482-2621

Deny Yourself 09/13/09
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Mark 8:27-38
     Readings: Psalm 116:1-9, James 3:1-12
     ZionServiceSun091309.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)