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Sunday Morning Services - April through December 2008

     No One Goes to the Father Accept Through Me 04/20/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: John 14:1-14
     Readings: Acts 7:55-60, 1 Peter 2:2-10
     ZionServiceSun042008.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Do We Keep the Commandments of Jesus? 04/27/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: John 14:15-21
     Readings: Acts 17:22-31, 1 Peter 3:13-22
     ZionServiceSun042708.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

We Bring the Message of Repentance and Forgiveness 05/04/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Luke 24:44-51
     Readings: Acts 1:1-11, Ephesians 1:15-23
     ZionServiceSun050408.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Receive the Holy Spirit 05/11/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: John 20:19-23
     Readings: Numbers 11:24-30, Acts 2:1-8, 11b-21
     ZionServiceSun051108.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Make Disciples of All Nations 05/18/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 28:16-20
     Readings: Psalms 8, 2 Corinthians 13:11-13
     ZionServiceSun051808.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     All Things Will Be Added Unto You 05/25/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 6:24-34
     Readings: Isaiah 49:8-13, 1 Corinthians 4:1-5
     ZionServiceSun052508.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Righteousness of God Justified by Faith  06/01/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Romans 1:16-27. 3:22-28
     Readings: Psalms 31:1-5, 19-24 Matthew 7:21-29
     ZionServiceSun060108.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Compassion Not Sacrifice 06/08/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 9:9-13, 18-26
     Readings: Psalms 50:7-15, Romans 4:13-25
     ZionServiceSun060808.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     God Demonstrates Love 06/15/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Romans 5:1-11
     Readings: Psalms 100, Matthew 9:35-38
     ZionServiceSun061508.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Do Not Fear 06/22/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 10:24-39
     Readings: Psalms 69:7-10, 16-18, Romans 6:1-11
     ZionServiceSun062208.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Forgiveness 06/29/08
     Mark Antioho
     Sermon Text: Ephesians 2:1-10
     Readings: Genesis 45:1-15, Luke 15:20-31
     ZionServiceSun062908.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Land of Promise  07/06/08
     Pastor Earl Kaurala
     Sermon Text: Matthew 11:25-30
     Readings: Psalms 145:8-12, Romans 7:14-25
     ZionServiceSun070608.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     There's No Deceiving God 07/13/08
(Computer download unavailable-Contact the church for copy of CD)
     Pete Nissila
     Sermon Text: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
     Readings: Genesis 15:19-34, Psalms 119:105-112

     Don't Weed Out Anyone 07/20/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
     Readings: Psalms 86:11-17, Romans 8:12-25
     ZionServiceSun072008.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Spread Through the World 07/27/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
     Readings: Psalms 119:129-136, Romans 8:26-39
     ZionServiceSun072708.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     You Give Them Something to Eat 08/03/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 14:13-21
     Readings: Isaiah 55:1-5, Romans 9:1-5
     ZionServiceSun080308.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Keep Your Eyes on Jesus 08/10/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 14:22-32
     Readings: Psalms 85:8-13, Romans 10:5-15
     ZionServiceSun081008.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     It Is What Comes Out Of The Mouth That Deflies 08/17/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 15:10-20
     Readings: Psalms 67, Romans 11:27-32
     ZionServiceSun081708.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     God Reveals the Son 08/24/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 16:13-20
     Readings: Psalms 138, Romans 12:1-8
     ZionServiceSun082408.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Find Life in Christ 08/31/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 16:13-20
     Readings: Psalms 26:1-8, Romans 12:9-21
     ZionServiceSun083108.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Go to Your Brother in Private 09/07/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 18:15-20
     Readings: Ezekiel 33:7-11,  Romans 13:8-14
     ZionServiceSun090708.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Untitled 09/014/08
     Intern Marc Tumberg
     Sermon Text: Matthew 18:21-35
     Readings: Genesis 50:15-21, Psalms 103:8-13
     ZionServiceSun091408.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Untitled 09/21/08
     Pastor Arvo Onermaa
     Sermon Text: Matthew 20:1-16
     Readings: Jonah3:10-4:11, Philippians 1:21-30
     ZionServiceSun092108.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     What a Friend We Have in Jesus 09/28/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 21:23-32
     Readings: Psalms 25:1-9, Philippians 2:1-13
     ZionServiceSun092808.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Untitled 10/05/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 21:33-46
     Readings: Isaiah 5:1-7, Philippians 3:4b-14
     ZionServiceSun100508.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Invite All to the Feast 10/12/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 22:1-14
     Readings: Isaiah 25:1-9, Psalms 23
     ZionServiceSun101208.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Why Tempt Ye Me, Ye Hypocrites 10/19/08
     Intern Marc Tumberg
     Sermon Text: Matthew 22:15-22
     Readings: Isaiah 47:1-7, Psalms 96:1-9
     ZionServiceSun101908.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Justified by Faith 10/26/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Romans 3:19-28
     Readings: Jeremiah 31:31-34, John 8:31-36
     ZionServiceSun102608.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     You Will be Comforted 11/02/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthews 5:1-12
     Readings: Revelation 7:9-17, 1 John 3:1-3
     ZionServiceSun110208.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant 11/09/08
     Intern Marc Tumberg
     Sermon Text: Matthews 25:14-30
     Readings: Psalms 90:1-12, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
     ZionServiceSun110908.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Untitled 11/16/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Luke 20:27-38
     Readings: Psalms 17:1-9, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5, 13-17
     ZionServiceSun111608.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Do For the Least of These 11/23/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthews 25:31-46
     Readings: Psalms 95:1-71, Ephesians 1:15-23
     ZionServiceSun112308.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Winter Night of Music 11/25/08 
     NightofMusic112508.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     He Will Sustain You 11/30/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9   
     Readings: Isiah 64:1-9, Mark 13:24037
     ZionServiceSun113008.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Untitled 12/03/08
     Intern Marc Tumberg
     Sermon Text: 2 Peter 3:8-15a
     Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11, Psalms 85:1-2, 8-13
     ZionServiceWed120308.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Greater Than The Prophets 12/07/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Mark 1:1-8
     Readings: Isaiah 40:1-11, 2 Peter 3:8-15a  
     Call office if you would like to request a copy of CD.

     The True Light 12/14/08
     Intern Marc Tumberg
     Sermon Text: John 1:1-14
     Readings: Isaiah 52:7-10, Hebrews 1:1-4
     ZionServiceSun121408.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Is Jesus the Messiah? 12/17/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Matthew 11:2-11
     Readings: Isaiah 35:1-10, James 5:7-10
     ZionServiceWed121708.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Are We a Servant of the Lord? 12/21/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Luke 1:26-38
     Readings: 2  Samuel 7:1-11, 16, Romans 16:25-27
     ZionServiceSun122108.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Pay Attention to the News 12/24/08
     Pastor Gerry Southerton
     Sermon Text: Hymn-Hark the Herald
     Readings: Isaiah 9:6-7, Philippians 1:5-11, Luke 2:1-7, Luke 2:8-14,
     Luke 2:15-20,
     ZionServiceSun122408.mp3 (mp3 file for downloading)

     Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne 12/28/08
     Intern Marc Tumberg
     Sermon Text: Luke 2:22-40
     Readings: Isaiah 61:10-62:3, Galatians 4:4-7
     Call office if you would like to request a copy of CD.

Contact Us
Zion Lutheran Church
Rev. Gerald (Gerry) Southerton, Pastor
400 Ingot Street
Hancock, MI 49930

email: zionsec@pasty.net
Phone: 906-482-1945
Fax: 906-482-2621