Our mission: "To know Christ and make Him known."
Fall & Winter Worship schedule:
Sunday School September - May
9:30a.m. Adult Bible Study
- May)
9:30a.m. Coffee and Fellowship
10:30a.m. Sunday Morning Worship Service
Communion-Second Sunday of each month
Bible Fellowship on Wednesday at 6PM (September - May;
check calendar)
Women's Bible Study on Wednesday at 9:30AM (September - May)
Youth Group/Family Game Night - see calendar for current schedule.
Summer Worship schedule:
9:30a.m.-10:15a.m. Coffee & Fellowship
10:30a.m. Worship Service
Transportation - For a ride to Sunday morning service or any other activity, call (906) 482-1945.
Contact Us
Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor Jesse Aho
400 Ingot Street
Hancock, MI 49930
email: zionsec@pasty.net
Phone: 906-482-1945