Our mission: "To know Christ and make Him known."

Zion Lutheran Church

We Believe


Prayer List
Web Sites

Camp Lahti


Sermon Archive


Outreach Activities

There is joy in sharing the message of Jesus Christ through events and missions.

Serving & Funeral Committee Chairperson:

Judy Niemi (482-1945)
Prayer Chain Leader: Judy Niemi (482-1945)

Photo Galleries
Confirmation Camp 2008
Vacation Bible Camp 2008
Mexico Mission Trip 2008 - Scroll down for trip details.
Mexico Mission Trip 2007

Women's Bible Study
The Women's Bible study is open to all churches in the community. It meets on Wednesday, 9:30am - 11:00am during the school year. Babysitting is available. For additional information, contact Gail Johnson (369-7823).

Zion's Missionary Outreach (Z.M.O.)
The Zion Missionary Outreach group is dedicated to making Christ known, showing Christ's love and compassion, not only to each other, but to all people regardless of race or creed. Annually 90% of Z.M.O. monies go for mission projects both here and abroad. The group twice a year - see calendar for dates. For additional information, contact Steve Palosaari (370-4210).

Bible Fellowship & Study
Pastor Jesse Aho leads a Wednesday evening Bible study at 6:00pm each week with a light dinner. Note this Bible study is open to college-aged individuals as well.

Youth Group
Youth who are in grades 6-12 meet  during the school year for Bible study, fellowship and fun. Check the calendar for event and time.


Contact Us
Zion Lutheran Church
Pastor Jesse Aho
400 Ingot Street
Hancock, MI 49930

email: zionsec@pasty.net
Phone: 906-482-1945