Lahti Retreat Center       30225 Rabbit Bay Road, Lake Linden, MI 49945 * 906-296-0643

How to contribute

Through your prayers, time, talents and resources.

As Lahti Retreat Center moves forward your help is
needed and cherished. In the years past there has
always been a group of men who have donated countless
hours and direction to the development of this
beautiful facility. They have been referred to as the
Camp Lahti Carpenters. We are looking to recruit new
generations of "carpenters" who are willing to come
alongside the vision and mission this place is
seeking to fulfill.

Recent contributions have helped to fund the new
driveway, updated septic system, Forest Porkka
Memorial Gazebo and various other small but necessary
projects. Your contributions will go towards the
maintenance, of existing facilities and help to fund
the next steps as Lahti Retreat Center grows and
matures in the years ahead.
Would you like to help?

Click the "Donate" button and go from there. A monthly gift
or one time, a little or a lot - every bit helps.

Thank You and God Bless!


He withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed.
Luke 5:16